Which source channels do you source your components from?
Fairstock is a global leader engaged in sourcing electronic components across the globe via our wide network of vendors worldwide.

Most of our components are sourced from franchise channels, as well as domestic and foreign inventories.

For some end-of-life or hard-to-find components, we also have our reliable source suppliers, who have a huge excess inventory network with tens of millions of components in stock, which can help us find the components we need.
How long do you provide a warranty for your components?
We provide 1 year(365days) warranty on all components.

During this time, any component problems you feedback to us,We provide complete pre-sales and after-sales service to our global clients. We have a team of well-trained inspectors with extensive knowledge of electronic technology.
Do you inspect the goods before shipping?
Of course, our company has a professional quality control engineer who checks all components one by one before delivery.

All components will be inspected in detail, including the following:

  1. Visual inspection of both exterior and interior packaging
  2. Verify components using digital microscopic photographs
  3. Comparison to manufacturers specifications to insure form, fit, & function complete product verification
  4. Product passing these criteria are then scheduled for just in time delivery using, if requested, pre-defined custom labeling, packaging and invoicing procedures.
Do you have a logistics method that can save transportation costs and fast?
We usually use logistics like DHL/UPS/FEDEX to ship the goods.

Our company has its own logistics account and enjoys certain logistics discount.

We will calculate an affordable and fast freight according to the weight and volume of your goods.