Counterfeit electronic components are electronic parts that are an infringement of the legitimate producer's trademark rights. These components may not confirm to the specifications and quality from the original manufacturer. Our customers cannot be assured that the product and its life-span will meet expectations. As a result, they must be 100% satisfied before utilising the parts into products such as navigation, medical apparatus, military equipment or aerospace vehicles and paraphernalia.
Counterfeit electronic components are common in China. In contrast, many electronic components are produced legitimately in China. Some suppliers may not be trained or prepared to identify counterfeit product. The challenge of identifying legitimate or inferior product is of upmost importance for our customers.
It is the responsibility of Fairstock to attempt to inspect all incoming electronic components for authenticity. We communicate with trusted testing laboratories to evaluate products and prevent counterfeit products from being supplied to our clients.
In conjunction with our Testing & Inspection Analysis, we investigate many aspects of a part, including:
- Incorrect part numbers
- Incorrect date
- Manufacturer origin
- Pre-soldered pins
- Package is made with the wrong material
- Laser cut lines in the markings
- Wrong / incomplete logos
- IC markings are in ink and can be wiped away with acetone